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Tagging process

Tag your content with the required number of metadata sets and key messages

Serhii Morkotun avatar
Written by Serhii Morkotun
Updated over a month ago

To tag the eWizard content item, unfold its more options and click Tag.

Broadcast emails

Contact the administrator to configure the tagging flow for broadcast emails based on the assigned audience metadata and customize the default tags.

When creating the broadcast email, select Salesforce Marketing Cloud as the target system. In the Create new popup, you can select the following Audience field values:

  • External—to manually tag the broadcast email within Centralized tagging.

  • Internal—to automatically send default tags to the repository. As a result, the Tag option becomes unavailable in the more menu of this email.

For the broadcast email uploaded to Library with SFMC as the target system, External is automatically assigned as the Audience metadata value.

If you edit details or make a copy of the broadcast email and change:

  • Email type or Target system—the selected values determine the availability of the Audience metadata.

  • Audience—the tagging flow switches between manual and automatic based on the selected value.

Centralized tagging opens in a new browser tab and consists of three main areas.

[1] The top panel with the following controls:




Select the content type of the item—Commercial, Market access or Medical

The Commercial content type is selected by default. The Medical content type is available for broadcast emails and AEM websites.
Changing the Commercial content type to any other hides the Key message not required checkbox and key message tagging fields.
To restore key message values, don't change tagging values or save the tagging progress and select the Commercial content type

Hide tagged items

Hide structural elements with assigned metadata

Once you switch the toggle on, the tagged structural elements are automatically saved

Initiate a guided demonstration of Centralized tagging

Available for content items with a linked tour

Assign metadata to several structural elements in bulk

Available for e-Detailers and rep-triggered emails with linked fragments

Unfold the list of more options available for the content item type

Available for AEM websites and events

[2] The main area with the following tagging fields:





View the structural element name


Select the structural element brand

The Brand, Indication, and Subtherapeutic area are interdependent fields. Combinations of their values are mapped to Veeva Vault products. The product values prepopulate the respective fields when you publish the content item to the target system


Select the structural element indication

The Brand, Indication, and Subtherapeutic area are interdependent fields. Combinations of their values are mapped to Veeva Vault products. The product values prepopulate the respective fields when you publish the content item to the target system

Subtherapeutic area

Select a subtherapeutic area for the structural element

The Brand, Indication, and Subtherapeutic area are interdependent fields. Combinations of their values are mapped to Veeva Vault products. The product values prepopulate the respective fields when you publish the content item to the target system

Local key message

Select a local key message for the structural element

The field is available for content items with assigned country metadata other than Global or MASTER.
You can select multiple values. Each key message value is set in a new tagging field

Global key message

Select a global key message for the structural element

The field is available for content items with assigned Global or MASTER country metadata.
The field is also available for the content item copy when you change the country metadata to any other than Global or MASTER in the Make a copy pop-up. For the content item copy, the field is read-only and automatically filled in with the value mapped to the brand, indication, subtherapeutic area, and local key message.
You can select multiple values. Each key message value is set in a new tagging field

The fields marked with asterisks (*) are mandatory.

Key message tagging fields

A tooltip alerts you when key message fields in tagged content items, AEM websites, or events contain inactive values. These fields are highlighted in red until updated. If both local and global key message fields contain inactive values, only the local fields are highlighted.

In the main area, you can do the following:

  • Hide key message tagging fields with the selected Key message not required checkbox. The assigned metadata of hidden fields isn't sent to the repository after the content item publication to the target system.

  • Add the key message field with the + button. The button becomes active once you fill in an empty key message field.

    To delete the key message field, click . Alternatively, you can click the key message field and clear the checkbox of the key message value in the key message list.

  • Add the set of tagging fields with the button. You can delete the set of fields with the button.

[3] The bottom panel with the following elements:




Progress bar

View the tagging progress

The progress bar advances once you click the SAVE button or switch the Hide tagged items toggle on

0% Tagging in progress

View the percentage of the tagging progress

The percentage of the tagging progress changes once you click the SAVE button or switch the Hide tagged items toggle on


Save the added tags or changed content type


Publish tagged e-Detailers and rep-triggered emails to Veeva Vault interactive or broadcast emails to SFMC

Be sure to publish tagged e-Detailers and rep-triggered emails to Veeva Vault as PDF for approval first. Otherwise, metadata isn't sent to the repository for analysis.
Users with proper permissions can publish broadcast emails to SFMC. Contact your administrator for details

Contact your administrator to customize content types, tagging fields, controls, and set the time for sending metadata to the repository.

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