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eWizard.js framework
Articles about eWizard.js and eWizard CLI
General development
Learn the general development principles in eWizard.js
Introduction to general development in eWizard.jsFind out what is useful to know when developing in eWizard.js
ExtensionsEnhance your eWizard.js templates with Vue extensions
eWizard Editor limitationsRestrictions and precautions you need to know when developing in eWizard.js
Install componentsLearn how to install pre-made components and add them to eWizard Editor
eWizard.js: i18n localizationUse the i18n plugin to add translation for your eWizard.js items
eWіzard.js: RеferencesAdd interactive references to your eWizard.js items
ActionsUse Vue.js directives to add clickable buttons to your e-Detailers, emails, and sites
$touch pluginAdd various gestures, such as swipes, taps, and pinches to your content
ClaimsLearn more about the metadata of Veeva Vault claims linked in eWizard Editor
Screenshoter in blocksUse the eWizard.js screenshoter to change how the blocks look in Editor
eWizard CLI
Everything you need to know about eWizard CLI and how to use it
Introduction to eWizard CLI
Authentication and configuration
Development in eWizard CLIUse eWizard CLI commands to develop your eWizard items
Everything about e-Detailer development
Initialize an e-Detailer projectHow to initialize an e-Detailer project from scratch
eWizard.js e-Detailer directory struсtureLearn more about the files in the scaffolding template directory
eWizard.js: e-Detailer slide and chapter structureDefine the struсture of your e-Detailer slides, subslides, chapters, and archived slides
Struсture API usageUse numerous methods available in the e-Detailer structure API
Blocks in e-DetailersAdd reusable blocks with content to your e-Detailers
eWizard.js: e-Detailer settingsManage the target device, screenshot configuration, and other settings of your e-Detailer
eWizard.js e-Detailer system settingsConfigure the content, path, common, plugin, and template settings
How to use the navigator API in your e-DetailersLearn how to enable transition on your e-Detailer slides
MonitoringUse the monitoring API to collect KPI on e-Detailer slides and subslides
StoreSet up a Vuex store with state management to send triggered emails or export Veeva Vault document numbers
Component states for PDFsLearn how to configure export of e-Detailers to PDF
Footnotes in eWizard.jsLearn how to add footnotes to e-Detailer texts
Triggered emailsLearn how to use the triggered email API to send triggered emails
How to develop emails in eWizard.js
Initialize an email projectHow to start an email project from scratch
eWizard.js: email directory struсtureLearn more about the struсture of the scaffolding template directory
eWizard.js: Email settingsLearn more about the settings of scaffolding and master templates
eWizard.js: Email system settingsConfigure the content, path, common, plugin, and template settings
Dynamic themesHow to create email themes and show them for different languages, countries, and purposes
Blocks in emailsHow to use blocks in emails
mobileContentIndents mixinAdd indents and alignment styles to your email components for correct display on mobile devices
Basic componentsLearn more about basic components in emails
Publish settings for emails from Veeva VaultRead where the Veeva Vault metadata is stored in an email template
Articles about site development
Introduction to sitesWhat is a site in eWizard.js
Initialize a site projectHow to initialize a site from scratch
eWizard.js: site directory struсtureLearn more about the struсture of the scaffolding template directory
eWizard.js: Site settingsLearn more about the settings of the scaffolding template
eWizard.js: Site system settingsConfigure the content, path, common, plugin, and template settings for your site
Landing pageLearn how to develop a landing page
Site with multiple pagesLearn how to develop a multiple page site in eWizard.js
How to use the site navigator API in your sitesEnable transition between pages of a site
UnCSS removal from site buildsHow to reduce the build size of a site build
Keep original filename in a site build
Messenger ads
Learn how to develop a messenger ad
Introduction to messenger adsWhat is a messenger ad
Initialize a messenger ad projectHow to initialize a messenger ad project
eWizard.js: messenger ad directory struсtureLearn more about the directory struсture of the scaffolding messenger ad template
eWizard.js: Messenger ad settingsConfigure the settings of a scaffolding messenger ad template
eWizard.js: messenger ad system settings
Messenger ad pageHow to set up a messenger ad page
Target messenger settingsConfigure the target messenger for your messenger ad
Blocks in messenger adsHow to add blocks to messenger ad templates
Learn more about blocks in eWizard.js
Introduction to blocksLearn more about blocks in eWizard.js
Initialize a blockHow to initialize a block template in eWizard CLI
eWizard.js: block directory struсtureLearn more about the directory struсture of a block template
eWizard.js: Block settingsView the settings of the block template
eWizard.js block system settingsConfigure the content, path, common, plugin, and template settings for the block template
Custom components
How to develop custom components to use in eWizard.js
eWizard.js: component item type overviewLearn more about custom components and the technology behind them
Initialize component templateHow to initialize a custom component template
eWizard.js: component directory struсtureLearn more about the directory struсture of the scaffolding component template
eWizard.js: Component template settingsThe settings of the component template
eWizard.js: component system settingsConfigure the content, path, common, plugin, and template settings of your custom component
Start component developmentHow to develop a custom component from scratch
Make components visible in eWizard EditorHow to make a component visible on the eWizard Editor sidebar
View components in eWizard EditorHow to preview a component in a demo e-Detailer
Components within another componentLearn more about nested components
Component propertiesLearn more about the component property types and how to configure them in eWizard.js
Edit mode APIHow to use the edit mode API to detect if a component is opened in the EDIT mode of eWizard Editor
Update component state APIUse the component state API to check for component state changes
List of component propertiesA list of component properties for all premade eWizard components
How to develop modules in eWizard.js
Introduction to modulesLearn more about modules in eWizard.js
Initialize a module projectHow to initialize a module scaffolding template in eWizard CLI
eWizard.js: module directory struсtureCheck out the directory struсture of the module scaffolding template
eWizard.js: Module settingsLearn about the settings of the module scaffolding template
eWizard.js module system settingsConfigure the content, path, common resources, plugin, and template settings of the module template
The modular approachRead more about the usage of modules in pharmaceutical companies
Learn more about configuring eWizard.js builders
Introduction to buildersWhat are builders in eWizard.js
Build versionHow to check the build version and export a build
SFMC component in emailsHow to prepare your email for SFMC publishing
PharmaTouch buildLearn more about the direcrory struсture of the build exported to PharmaTouch
Optimize an email Veeva Vault buildHow to reduce the size of a Veeva Vault build with UnCSS
Build with a current theme
Specific blocks in site builds
eWizard.js: Show email blocks as images in exported PDFsHow to show email blocks as images after exporting an item
Find solutions to problems you might encounter in eWizard.js and eWizard Editor
e-Detailer doesn't scaleHow to proceed if an e-Detailer doesn't scale
e-Detailer components
How to install and use e-Detailer components
Introduction to e-Detailer components
Component animation
wiz-image component in e-Detailers
wiz-references component in e-Detailers
wiz-tab-group component in e-Detailers
wiz-text in e-Detailers
wiz-video component in e-Detailers
Email components
How to install and use email components
Introduction to email components
wiz-card component in emails
wiz-divider component in emails
wiz-fragment component in emails
wiz-image component in emails
wiz-layout component in emails
wiz-rating-scale component in emails
wiz-references component in emails
wiz-table component in emails
wiz-text component in emails
wiz-title component in emails
wiz-video component in emails
Learn how to use eWizard.js for specific use cases
e-Detailer tutorialCreate your own e-Detailer from scratch
Email tutorialDevelop and customize your own email
Custom fontsUse custom fonts in your e-Detailers and emails