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Messenger ad page

How to set up a messenger ad page

eWizard Team avatar
Written by eWizard Team
Updated over a year ago

A messenger ad has a similar structure to a landing page. Initialize your messenger ad project with the wiz init messenger_ad eWizard CLI command or download the zipped project directory from the eWizard platform.

Development principles

To develop a messenger ad project, use the ./App.vue file.

// ./App.vue<i18n>
"eng": {}
<wiz-root style="background: #ffffff; width: 100%;">
import defaultBlock from './common/blocks-library/default-block/index.vue';export default {
name: 'wiz-app',
components: { defaultBlock },
@import 'common/styles/main.css';

The text for the messenger ad is located in the <i18n> tag.

TIP: Use the same development principles that apply to email development: blocks and components, fonts and attributes. For more information about the limitations for developing content in your messenger ad, see eWizard Editor limitations.

Run a messenger ad development build

To run a messenger ad development build:

1) Open your messenger ad project in a CLI.


2) Start a hot-reloading server with:

wiz dev --live

3) Open http://localhost:3000/ to view your messenger ad in a browser.

After you finish developing your messenger ad project, zip the project with the wiz archive command and upload it to My library in the eWizard platform.

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