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Learn how to install eWizard CLI

eWizard Team avatar
Written by eWizard Team
Updated over a month ago

In this section, learn how to:

• Install eWizard CLI, a command-line interface for eWizard.js.

• Log in to your eWizard instance.


eWizard CLI is a globally installed npm package that provides the wiz commands and options in your terminal. Use eWizard CLI to scaffold a new project with the wiz init command or instantly view changes you add to the project code with the wiz dev --live command.

Prerequisites for Windows


To check if you have nvm installed:

nvm -v


To check if you have Node.js installed:

node -v

WARNING: To guarantee the stable work of eWizard CLI, use the Node.js version 14 or later. For example, Node.js 14.19.1.

You can download Node.js here.

When installing Node.js with an installer, check the Automatically install the necessary tools checkbox.

Or you can install Node.js with nvm, for example, version 14.19.1.

For this:

1) Download the latest version of the nvm installer.

2) Open PowerShell with admin rights and run:

nvm install 14.19.1

3) Run:

nvm use 14.19.1

C++ and Python compilers

To compile native Addon modules for Node.js version earlier than v6.13.0, the node-gyp npm package requires Microsoft Visual C++ build environment and Python compilers.

To set dependencies and configuration, install:

TIP: Python 3 isn't supported.

To compile native Addon modules in Windows environment, see Microsoft guidelines.


To check if you have Git installed:

git --version

To download Git, click here.

Prerequisites for Ubuntu

To install eWizard CLI for Ubuntu, make sure you have the following items installed locally.


To check if you have curl installed:

curl --version

If curl isn't installed, run:

sudo apt-get install curl


To check if you have Node.js installed:

node -v

WARNING: To guarantee the stable work of eWizard CLI, use the Node.js version 14 or later. For example, Node.js 14.19.1.

If Node.js isn't installed, use nvm or binary distribution to install it.

• To install Node.js with nvm:

  1. Run:

curl -o- | bash
  1. Install the required Node.js version. For example, 14.7.0:

nvm install 14.7.0

• To install Node.js with binary distribution:

  1. Run:

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
  1. Install Node.js:

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Python 2.7

To compile native Addon modules for Node.js version earlier than v6.13.0, the node-gyp npm package requires Python compilers.

To check your python version, run:

python --version

To install Python:

1) Run:

sudo apt install python2

2) Change priority so that the python2 binary executable has priority over python3:

sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 2
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1

3) Switch to the Python 2.7 alternative:

sudo update-alternatives --config python


To check if you have Git installed:

git --version

To install Git, run:

sudo apt-get install git

Install eWizard CLI

To install the eWizard CLI globally on your Windows computer:

npm install -g ewizard-cli

To install eWizard CLI on Ubuntu:

1) Set dependencies and configuration:

sudo apt install build-essential

2) Install the eWizard CLI npm package:

sudo npm install -g ewizard-cli

To check your version of eWizard CLI, run:

wiz --version

To update eWizard CLI to the latest version, run:

npm i -g ewizard-cli@latest

TIP: To find out the current version of eWizard CLI, go to eWizard CLI npm package.

Run npm i -g ewizard-cli@0.23.8 to install the specific version of eWizard CLI.


Once eWizard CLI is installed, log in to your eWizard instance.

wiz login

If it's your first login, enter your eWizard instance:

TIP: You receive your eWizard instance link with your user name and password credentials. The eWizard instance follows this pattern: https://[company]

The eWizard login window opens in your default browser. Enter your login and password here.

You may close the login window after you've logged in.

WARNING: When you log in for the first time, eWizard CLI creates the .wiz service directory in the root directory where you've installed eWizard CLI. This directory contains the config.json file with your eWizard instance URL, token, etc. If you delete this directory, you must log in and enter your instance again.

What's next

Now that you've logged in to your eWizard instance:

• Create an e-Detailer

• Create an email

• Create a site

• Create a messenger ad

• Create a component

• Create a block

• Create a module

Continue to eWizard CLI commands for the full list of the CLI commands for creating your projects with eWizard.js.

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