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wiz-image component in e-Detailers
eWizard Team avatar
Written by eWizard Team
Updated over a year ago

Use the wiz-image component to add images of supported formats to your e-Detailer. For more information, see Image.


To install the wiz-image component, run the following command in your project root directory:

wiz install @edetailer/wiz-image

For more information, see Install components.


TIP: As best practice, use eWizard Editor to add and edit the components.

To add the wiz-image component to your slide and change its properties, in the ./slides/default/index.vue file:

1) Add the <wiz-image></wiz-image> tag to your slide template.

<!--./slides/default/index.vue --><template>
<wiz-slide class="editable-block">
<wiz-image id="wiz-image-0547" class="default" data-asset-id="hlb3gef8ut" src="./media/images/f6194d90-8f03-11ec-96c2-ea6c057b1b2f.jpg" :alt="'An image'"></wiz-image>

The id and class attributes are required for the correct display of the component styles in eWizard Editor.

The data-asset-id attribute is required for the Veeva Vault modules in the assets.json file. For more information, see Veeva Vault publish settings.

2) Change the image alternative (alt) text in the <i18n></i18n> localization tag.

<!--./slides/default/index.vue --><i18n>
"eng": {
"altText": "<span style='line-height:30px;font-size:30px;'>My image</span>"

For more information, see Localization.


You can change the wiz-image component appearance and behavior using the following attributes within the <wiz-image></wiz-image> tag:

β€’ component-name

Change the component label displayed on the Properties tab in eWizard Editor.

<wiz-image component-name="My image"></wiz-image>

β€’ src

Change the image path in the src attribute value.

<wiz-image src="./common/media/images/f6194d90-8f03-11ec-96c2-ea6c057b1b2f.jpg"></wiz-image>

The ./common/media/images path is the default one for images. You can rename the image and provide a new path. To change the default path, edit the images property in the ./.ewizard/settings.json file of your project.

β€’ alt

Change the image alternative text in the alt attribute.

<wiz-image :alt="'My image alternative text'"></wiz-image>

TIP: To localize the image alternative text within the <i18n></i18n> tag, use the :alt="$t('altText')" variable. For more information, see Localization.


The wiz-image component has the following properties:








The component label displayed on the Properties tab in eWizard Editor




The path to the image file




The alternative text for the image

For more information, see Component properties.

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