You can modify the content, path, common resources, plugin, and template settings in the .ewizard/settings.json
// ./.ewizard/settings.json{ "content": { "type": "module", "subtype": "email" }, "screenshoter": { "slideWithCommonLayout": "" }, "path": { "blocks": "node_modules/@blocks", "blocksFilename": "blocks.json", "blocksManifest": "common/blocks-library/blocks.json", "blocksThemes": "common/blocks-library/blocks-themes.json", "localBlocks": "common/blocks", "componentsFilename": "components.json", "componentsManifest": "common/components/components.json", "componentsThemes": "common/components/components-themes.json", "localComponents": "common/components", "modulesFilename": "modules.json", "modulesManifest": "common/blocks-library/modules.json", "bundle": "build/dev/app.js", "rootComponent": "App.vue", "slides": "slides", "themes": "themes", "themePaths": { "variables": "theme.scss", "variablesJson": "theme.json", "main": "index.scss" }, "themesManifest": "themes/themes.json", "settings": "settings.json", "icon": "icon.png", "icon2x": "icon@2x.png", "preview": "preview.jpg", "assets": ".ewizard/assets.json", "claims": ".ewizard/claims.json", "documents": "documents.json", "layouts": "layouts", "slide": { "thumbnail": "media/images/thumb.jpg", "screenshot": "media/images/screenshot.jpg" }, "common": { "i18n": "common/i18n", "references": "common/resources/references.json", "media": { "images": "common/media/images", "videos": "common/media/videos", "pdfs": "common/media/pdfs", "fonts": "common/media/fonts" }, "triggeredEmailManifest": "common/resources/triggeredEmail.json" }, "metadata": { "purpose": "common/metadata/purpose.json", "targetMessenger": "common/metadata/targetMessenger.json" } }, "archive": { "ignore": [] }, "plugins": { "eslint": true }, "template": { "url": "", "version": "7d588cf120f9de211dbf869538d3d079ddf93c14" } }
The .ewizard/settings.json
has the following fields:
Field | Description |
| The project type. |
| The content subtype. |
| Enter the e-Detailer slide ID to generate all component states in that slide. For more information, see PDF Export settings. |
| The directory where the blocks are stored. |
| The name of the file that defines which blocks appear on the elements panel in eWizard Editor. |
| The path to the file that defines which blocks appear in eWizard Editor. |
| The path to the file where you can configure which blocks you want to display for the specific theme in the eWizard Editor Blocks tab. For more information, see Configure blocks for themes. |
| The directory where the local blocks are stored. |
| The name of the file that defines which components appear on the elements panel in eWizard Editor. For more information, see Make a component visible in eWizard Editor. |
| The path of the file that defines which components appear on the elements panel in eWizard Editor. |
| The path to the file with the component themes. |
| The directory where the local components are stored. |
| The name of the file that defines which modules appear on the elements panel in eWizard Editor. |
| The path to the file that defines which modules appear on the elements panel in eWizard Editor. |
| The path to the file with the development build. |
| The root file where you edit the module layout. |
| The directory where the slides are stored. |
| The directory where the themes are stored. |
| The name of the file with the dynamic theme styles. Each theme has its own file. |
| The name of the file with the dynamic theme variables. Each theme has its own file. |
| The main file with the dynamic theme styles. Each theme has its own file. |
| The path to the file that defines what themes are used in the project. |
| The name of the file with the module settings. |
| The name of the file with the module icon. |
| The name of the file with the large version of the module icon. |
| The name of the file with the project preview. |
| The path to the file with the asset settings. |
| The path to the file with the claim settings. |
| The path to the file that defines what documents are exported as PDFs. |
| The directory with the email layouts. |
| The path to the file with the default icon of the module scaffolding template. |
| The path to the file with the e-Detailer screenshot. |
| The directory with content localization. For more information, see Localization. |
| The directory with common images. |
| The directory with common videos. |
| The directory with common PDFs. |
| The directory with common fonts. |
| The path to the file where the triggered emails are stored. |
| The path to the file where the purposes are stored. |
| The path to the file with the target messenger settings for messenger ads. |
| The path to the file that defines which references appear in eWizard Editor. For more information, see Localization of references. |
| Use the array to exclude the layouts from the archive. For more information, see Rename or change path to an email template. |
| Shows if the ESLint plugin is in the project. You can choose to use ESLint when you initialize a module. |
| The link to the repository with the module. |
| The version of the module. |
View all fields in .ewizard/settings.json
You can check all the fields available in the .ewizard/settings.json
in a development build.
To view all fields from the .ewizard/settings.json
file, add the console.log
method in the App.vue
file of your project:
<!-- App.vue --><script> export default { mounted() { console.log(EWIZARDJS.SYSTEM_SETTINGS); }, }; </script>
You can see the object
with all the fields of .ewizard/settings.json
in the browser console after running the wiz dev --live