Some fonts are widely used and supported by most operating systems (OS), while others are OS-specific and require pre-installation.
In eWizard, you can use web safe and custom fonts available in the WYSIWYG properties. The fonts are processed not only in Editor, but also when exporting your email as PDF and generating the item thumbnails.
When customizing text components, you can learn the eWizard Font policy updates by following the link in the text properties.
Address your font requests, if any, to eWizard Support.
Font usage in eWizard
In eWizard, you can create items based on the templates with embedded or non-embedded fonts.
Font type | Usage | Item type |
Embedded | The font is placed inside the item ZIP archive in the | e-Detailers and landing pages |
Non-embedded | Fonts are not attached to the item ZIP archive but are listed inside the item code as primary and fallback fonts. If the font specified as the primary font isn't supported by the recipient's email client, browser, and OS, the fallback fonts are used. | Emails
For example, you have the following font list in your email: Roboto, Helvetica, Arial that belong to the Sans serif font family.
Here, Roboto is the primary font, whereas Helvetica and Arial are the fallback fonts. As a result, Roboto is displayed in the email when the recipient's email client and OS support this font. Otherwise, the fallback fonts are used, which are Helvetica and Arial in our example.
If the target device doesn't support the fallback fonts specified, it uses other Sans serif font.
You can test your email display on the target devices and in email clients with the Send test email or Device simulator options.
Font language support
Each font supports a specific number of languages that can vary depending on the font family, its supplier or owner.
e-Detailers and landing pages
When creating the item for its further localization, the font originally used in this item may not support the selected target language.
For example, if a specific item template features a font that supports only Cyrillic, Arab, and Asian characters, and you're translating this item to Latin, your font won't display Latin. In this case, Latin characters will be rendered with your device system font that supports Latin. What font will be used exactly? It depends on the browser and the target device OS.
To ensure the correct language rendering, use the fonts that support your target languages. You can apply the fonts from the list in Editor or search for the required font in the web safe and custom font libraries.
In emails, user system fonts are used. For this reason, their rendering in various languages follows the non-embedded font procedure.
Web safe fonts
Your email can look different on various devices and in email clients used by your recipients. To secure the intended email display, we recommend applying web safe fonts in its body:
Arial (Sans serif)
Verdana (Sans serif)
Helvetica (Sans serif)
Tahoma (Sans serif)
Trebuchet MS (Sans serif)
Times New Roman (Serif)
Georgia (Serif)
Garamond (Serif)
Courier New (Monospace)
Brush Script MT (Cursive)
In Editor, you can find all available fonts in the Font family
list on the Properties
tab. Not web safe fonts are marked with ⚠️.
Custom fonts
Along with the web safe fonts, you can use custom fonts. They require pre-installation in eWizard and on the target devices.
Emails, email briefs, and email fragments
In Editor, custom fonts used in the uploaded items are added to the Font family
list on the Properties tab. You can use them without pre-installation. Address your font requests, if any, to eWizard Support.
Font rendering depends on the target email clients and devices.
Some fonts are free and can be found in the following public libraries:
Other fonts are paid and require licenses that grant the right to use them. The license types are as follows:
License type | Font usage |
Desktop | For installation in the |
Webfont | For websites and emails |
Digital ad | For advertising projects within the banner and app ads |
Mobile app | For a single app distributed across multiple platforms |
ePub | For various e-book readers |
Server | For installation on a server. Once the fonts are installed on the server, you can find them in the |
eWizard requires the Server license.
For assistance in applying custom fonts in eWizard, address your font license request to eWizard Support.
To find the required font's owner and its distribution license type, check the following online repositories:
You can learn more about web fonts in the ultimate guide to web fonts.
If any font issues, you can find the answers to the most common cases in the Troubleshooting section.
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